- CDC Covid-19 Page
- Pennsylvania Department of Health Covid-19 Page
- Penn State Medicine Covid-19 Resources
- Worldometer Outbreak Statistics
- RAA Maps
- Univesity of Chicago Tracker
- Healthmap
- Nextstrain
- Worldometers
- University of Virginia
- coronainfo.xyz
- The COVID Tracking Project
Journal COVID-19 Sections
Resources from Organisational Bodies
- ASA Covid-19 Information
- COVID Activated Emergency Scaling of Anesthesiology Responsibilities (CAESAR) ICU
- APSF Covid-19 Resource Center
- SOAP Covid-19 Educational Resources
- Joint Commission Covid-19 Resources
- American College of Surgeons
- WHO Daily Sitreps
- ECDC Latest
- USA CDC Latest
- Promed
- Imperial MRC
- CDC Info for health professionals
- WHO Technical Guidance
- AMA resource center for health professionals
- ACP Information for Internists
- CDC Pandemic Preparedness Resources
- UpToDate COVID-19
- EMCrit
Links from Reddit Medicine
Important Documents
- CDC: Interim U.S. Guidance for Risk Assessment and Public Health Management of Healthcare Personnel with Potential Exposure in a Healthcare Setting to Patients with Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) (March 7, 2020
- APSF: Perioperative Considerations for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) (Feb 12, 2020)
- CJA: Practical recommendations for critical care and anesthesiology teams caring for novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) patients (Feb 12, 2020)
- 3M: Respiratory Protection for Airborne Exposures to Biohazards [PDF]
Donning and Doffing PPE: HCID Level One Full Barrier Isolation